Introducing our whitepaper

Did you know that maintaining just one kilometer of rail track can cost up to €100,000 annually? In Europe alone, this translates to a staggering €23 billion spent on maintenance each year. With a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions, it's evident that the rail industry needs innovative solutions to accommodate its future growth.
This is where Cemit comes in. We harness the power of technology, machine learning, big data, and data visualization to revolutionize the rail industry. Our goal? To enhance passenger comfort, predict maintenance needs before they become costly, and, most importantly, prevent accidents. But why is the rail industry in need of such a transformation?
The railway industry has historically been slow to adapt to technology and is filled with complex processes and several stakeholders. At the same time, AI, machine learning, and data science move at raging speeds that it’s hard to keep up with. That's why we wrote a whitepaper to lay out how we view the two, and how we believe AI will help solve some of rails biggest challenges.
Today, maintenance is a combination of scheduled and reactive maintenance. That is both costly and more importantly disruptive for the end users. Uptime is critical for users’ trust in the companies, and also for the method of transportation as a whole. For trains to be a preferred way of transportation, reliability, and uptime is a must-have. This also goes for company-to-company trust and cooperation, where the end users just deal with one company, but rolling stock, rail conditions, depot infrastructure, and many more variables all need to work together to create the seamless experience customers expect.
Meanwhile, AI, big data, and machine learning are moving incredibly fast, and it's easy to get lost in terminology, trends, and fads. With the advent of generative AI chat, suddenly AI went from something futuristic to something that was happening right now. Machine learning and AI have a long and proven history, but with the lowered cost of data storage and collecting the possibilities and applications are expanding rapidly. Using these technologies, with simple sensors we can create models that predict and alert needs for maintenance or adjustments to stay at peak comfort and uptime.

Want to know more?
Get in touch
We have a wide variety of machine learning experts, rail engineers, and data scientists pushing every day to make the railway safer, more reliable and more effiencent. If you want to talk to us about how we can help you, please click here to get in touch!